

Trends, insights and thought leadership on community matters by Wilder staff, volunteers, supporters and partners


Effectiveness, and the Case of Dr. Oz

by Paul Mattessich
Dr. Oz became famous on Oprah, then developed his own TV show. Millions of people who seek health and medical information hang on his every word. But can we believe him? A group of doctors publicly… Read more »

Reading Between the Lines: Why Caregiving Stories Matter

by Maureen Kenney
We knew that Bruce Kramer’s appearance was uncertain when we began planning a book reading with Kramer and MPR host and author Cathy Wurzer. The two had collaborated on “We Know How This Ends –… Read more »

Seven Resources for Trauma-Informed Care

If you’re an adult living in the United States, chances are high that you’ve experienced trauma. According to national surveys, 50-90 percent of adults have experienced at least one traumatic event… Read more »

The Power of Giving Thanks

by Xe Chang
​Wilder's Youth Leadership Initiative (YLI) hosts an annual event to recognize adults who inspire and make an impact on young people. YLI participants learn to understand the importance of showing… Read more »

Food Deserts: Why It Costs Much More to Try to Eat on $29 a Week

Much has been said recently about Gwyneth Paltrow’s Twitter post showing the $29 worth of food she attempted to live on last week in order to raise awareness about cuts to the Supplemental Nutrition… Read more »

There's No App for That: Parenting in the Digital Age

by Judy Ohm
​The digital age is the age of distraction. We’ve become accustomed to staying connected to our email, social media, mobile phones and apps at all times – even when we are doing other things,… Read more »

Resiliency in the Face of Trauma: Dealing with Secondary Stress

by Krista Nelson
Resilience is an often used word in the mental health field, but its definition is broad. One way I often think about the meaning of resilience is “how quickly we can get back to our steady state… Read more »

Time to Take MFIP Off the Shelf

Minnesota’s current legislative session has been dominated by one question: what should we do with a state surplus of almost two billion dollars? Governor Dayton has provided his answer to this… Read more »