Wilder Research Topics
Improving lives through research
Wilder Research conducts studies in areas that affect the quality of life for people and communities. By examining issues, trends and the effectiveness of programs and services, we provide credible information that can be used to inform strategies and action to improve lives.
Areas of Research
We work with arts, culture and informal education organizations to tell their story. We co-create research, integrate arts-based methods and infuse evaluation into your work to measure impact and demonstrate the community value of programs.
Our community safety and criminal justice work focuses on programs, policies, and systems that address community safety, violence prevention and early intervention, criminal behavior intervention and diversion, and support for victims of crime.
Our work provides a picture of how children, youth and families in Minnesota are faring, with a special focus on low-income families.
We study opportunity and achievement gaps for low-income students, students of color, students whose primary language is not English, and first-generation college students.
We study prevention, treatment and causes of poor health, including community assessments of healthy behaviors, needs and services, and evaluations of programs and initiatives addressing health concerns.
Our triennial statewide study provides the most current and comprehensive information and data on homelessness in Minnesota.
We study the quality, effectiveness and accessibility of mental health services and policy to make sense of complex systems and inform program improvements while focusing on equitable access to high-quality, culturally relevant care.
We study support systems and their capacity to meet the needs of Minnesota’s growing population of older adults, funding sources and priorities, and what older adults, caregivers, service providers, and aging experts say about current and future needs.
Working across the substance use continuum, from prevention to treatment to recovery, we explore what works for programs and services.