Community Resources
Wilder is committed to being part of the diverse fabric of the community as an engaged community-based organization. For over a century, Wilder has been dedicated to improving people's lives and well-being, and creating positive outcomes for children, families and communities.
*The list below is not exhaustive and is provided for general reference only. It is not an endorsement or comprehensive listing for any of the organizations included. Please contact the organizations directly if you desire more information about their services.
**We do not offer legal advice, please explore listings for further assistance.
MNHelp is a statewide, online resource finder for older Minnesotans, people with disabilities, veterans, and more.
Community Legal Resources in Twin Cities
- Immigrant Law Center of Minnesota
Offers legal advice and full legal representation to eligible immigrants and refugees on immigration-related cases.
Address: 450 North Syndicate Street, Office #200 Saint Paul, MN 55104.
Phone: 651-641-1011 - Project for Pride in Living, "Immigrant Resources and Citizenship"
A non-profit organization supporting families through affordable housing & career services. - Mid-Minnesota Legal Aid
Provides free civil legal services and advocacy to people with low incomes, seniors, and those with disabilities. Aims to help Minnesota citizens gain access to their basic rights, such as safety, shelter, food, heath care, and education. - TurnSignl
On-demand legal guidance from an attorney. TurnSignl connects you over video chat with a lawyer at the press of a button, and a recording of the encounter is immediately saved to your personal cloud. Get a free membership after filling out the application form. - Pro Bono Legal Service Providers
Resources for Undocumented Minnesotans
- Immigrant Legal Resource Center
Resources include a wide range of downloadable tools produced for diverse audiences, from experienced advocates to directly impacted community members seeking answers about the complex world of immigration law. - Center for Migration Studies
CMS compiled the following resources and tools created by trustworthy organizations and directed to undocumented and immigrant families and communities, and advocates working with them.
LQBTQ+ Resources
- Twin Cities Pride
For more information on therapy, medical care, and other LGBTQ+ services, explore the resources. - Trans Lifeline
A trans-led organization that connects trans people to the community, support, and resources they need to survive and thrive. - Reclaim
Directory of resources for queer and trans youth. - OutFront Minnesota
Advocacy organization with more unique resources like anti-violence program and attorneys for legally changing name and/or gender. - Queermunity
Resource Center and co-working space.
Disability Resources
- PACER Center
List of disability organizations.
Resources for Veterans
- U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs
FAQs about VA benefits and services, step-by-step instructions for using tools, and other helpful articles. - Minnesota Department of Veteran Affairs
- Minnesota Association County Veterans Service Officers
- Minnesota Assistance Council for Veterans
A veteran nonprofit organization with the mission to end veteran homelessness in MN. - Lutheran Social Services
- Wounded Warrior Project
Nonprofit organization dedicated to wounded service members. - Minneapolis VA Clinic
- Ramsey County Veteran Affairs
Reproductive Health Information
- Center for Reproductive Health
U.S. Abortion Access Resources
Resources for Clients on Medicaid, Medical Assistance, etc.
- Minnesota Department of Human Services
Resources for MHCP members who get care through a health plan.
BIPOC Resources
- Voices for Racial Justice
Cultural & healing strategies for racial justice across Minnesota using organizing, leadership training, community policy & research. - BIPOC Community Practice Circles
Invites members of racially specific groups to come together for light food, fellowship, and shared wellness offerings, from guided meditation to sound baths. - Black in America Support Group and Nurturing Our Village Support Group for Black Parents
Support and Processing Groups available
Wellness and Support Events
- Sabathani Community Center
Ongoing weekly happenings and special events designed to inspire, educate, and equip our community with resources.