
Homelessness Among Older Adults in Minnesota: Fact Sheet, Minnesota Statewide Homelessness Study, 2006




Skrypek, Maggie
Shelton, Ellen
Heineman, June


4 p.
Study ID

Project Information

Homelessness in Minnesota 2006 Study

This is a comprehensive study of the causes, circumstances, and effects of homelessness in Minnesota. In October 2006, interviewers conducted face-to-face interviews with people experiencing homelessness and living in emergency shelters, transitional housing programs, battered women's shelters, and a variety of non-shelter locations. Reports include overall results and data on specific locations or populations, such as families and veterans. A report from a companion study of homelessness on Indian Reservations is also included. Every three years since 1991, Wilder Research has conducted a statewide survey of people who are homeless or living in temporary housing programs.

See everything related to this project.