Greg Owen
Greg has led a wide range of projects at Wilder Research since 1979, including major studies of hospice care, welfare reform, delinquency, child maltreatment, homelessness, vocational choice and access to preventive care. He served as principal investigator for Wilder’s statewide study of homelessness from its inception in 1991 until 2012, and has conducted both state and federally funded studies of capacity building, service innovation, community supports for older adults, dementia care, as well as a recent four wave panel study of participant outcomes associated with supportive housing. Greg has also led a study of very young delinquents for the Hennepin County Attorney’s office, and conducted two studies of child protection interventions for the McKnight Foundation.
Current project activities include work for the Minnesota Board on Aging to evaluate the effectiveness of medication reviews by pharmacists as part of an initiative to improve transitions to home care for older adults. Other current studies include a federally funded evaluation to assess the effectiveness of dementia outreach in cultural communities, and a survey of family focused substance abuse treatment programs likely to be impacted by the Families First Act.
Greg has provided recent consultation to the Northwest Area Foundation, the Northside Achievement Zone, Augustana Care, Volunteers of America, Wilder’s Healthy Aging & Caregiving Services programs, and the Leadership Foundations of America. Other recent projects include planning and research consultation for the Living at Home/Block Nurse Programs, Saint Anthony Park Area Seniors, Jewish Family Services, and Minnesota’s Interagency Council on Homelessness.
Greg received a doctorate in sociology from the University of Minnesota and served as an adjunct professor in the Health and Human Services graduate program at St. Mary's University where he received the outstanding teacher award. Greg has provided recent keynote presentations for Care Providers of Minnesota and the Stevens Square Foundation and has served as a guest lecturer at the University of Minnesota, Hamline University, Concordia University, St. Thomas University, Macalester College, and Augsburg College.