
Evaluation of 2013 Summer Learning Freedom School Program

The Saint Paul Area Council of Churches and Saint Paul Promise Neighborhood provided summer learning programming, using the  Children's Defense Fund's Freedom School approach, to students living in the Promise Neighborhood area in Saint Paul. The goals of Freedom School are to get students to attend the program consistently and to maintain or improve their positive behaviors, self-esteem, and academic performance. This report describes the characteristics of students attending Freedom School during summer 2013, their attendance in the program, and their social skill and academic outcomes.




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Project Information

Saint Paul Promise Neighborhood

The Saint Paul Promise Neighborhood is an education partnership that puts children in the Frogtown, Rondo, and Summit-University neighborhoods of Saint Paul on the pathway to college and career success. Housed at Wilder, Saint Paul Promise Neighborhood (SPPN) takes a proactive and preventive approach to the education opportunity gap by focusing early in a child’s life.

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