
A Study of Title III-E Caregiver Services in Minnesota: Where Are We Now and Where Could We Go Next?

The Minnesota Board on Aging was interested in exploring how available funds for caregivers have been spent and what caregivers, service providers, and aging experts say about current and future needs and services. Specifically, the report explores how federal and state resources made available through Title III-E of the Older Americans Act have been configured, offered, and used in Minnesota and what might be done to optimize the value of these resources in the future.




93 p.
Client Organization

Client Organization

Wilder Topic
Study ID

Project Information

Title III-E Caregiver Services

The Minnesota Board on Aging was interested in exploring how available funds for caregivers have been spent and what caregivers, service providers, and aging experts say about current and future needs and services. Specifically, the report explores how federal and state resources made available through Title III-E of the Older Americans Act have been configured, offered, and used in Minnesota and what might be done to optimize the value of these resources in the future.

See everything related to this project.