Wilder News
Latest updates and mission achievements
A history report that analyzes the origins of Wilder through an equity lens is now available
African American Babies Coalition and Projects Receives $150,000 from UnitedHealthcare
Wilder's Response to Dobbs v. Jackson
Mental health support a bright spot during a disappointing year at the Minnesota Legislature
The 2022 Regular Legislative Session concluded on May 23, having accomplished relatively little. The omnibus bills for health and human services, housing, K-12 education, higher education and bonding… Read more »Achievement Plus will support Saint Paul families through school closures and mergers
Thai Representative Keng Yang Visits Wilder
Wilder staff member Tracy Hilke receives the 2022 MayKao Y. Hang Courageous Leader Award
Wilder welcomes Dr. Heather Britt as next executive director of Wilder Research
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