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Report Title Project Name Publication Date Document Type
Evaluation of LISC's Occupational Skills Initiative Pilot: Findings from In-Depth Interviews With LISC Program Officers, Program Participants, and Staff from Five Sites LISC Occupational Skills Initiative report
Strengthening Multiethnic Families and Communities: Parent Education Program Results Strengthening Multi-Ethnic Families and Communities Parent Education Program report
Enriching Children through a Culturally Specific Summer Learning Program: 2019 Evaluation of Hmong Karen Youth Pride Hmong Karen Youth Pride report
Achievement Plus: Stakeholder Views of Benefits and Future Needs Achievement Plus report
Kofi Services: 2009-2010 Results, Summary Project Kofi report summary
Kofi Services: 2009-2010 Results Project Kofi report
Wilder Center for Communities: Self-Assessments of 6-Month Neighborhood Leadership Program Neighborhood Leadership Program report
Wilder Center for Communities: Self-Assessments of the Latino Leadership Program Neighborhood Leadership Program report
Angel Foundation Program Participant Survey: Key Findings of Participant Needs and Program Satisfaction Angel Foundation report
Wilder's Southeast Asian Assertive Community Treatment (ACT) Team: Literature Review of Cultural Adaptations and Enhancements of the ACT Model Wilder Assertive Community Treatment (ACT) report
Wilder Foundation Family Supportive Housing Services: Services With Others: A Summary of Evaluation Findings from Fiscal Year 2015-16 Wilder Foundation Family Supportive Housing Services report
Wilder Foundation Family Supportive Housing Services: Project Quest: A Summary of Evaluation Findings from Fiscal Year 2015-16 Wilder Foundation Family Supportive Housing Services report
Wilder Foundation Family Supportive Housing Services: Roof Project: A Summary of Evaluation Findings from Fiscal Year 2015-16 Wilder Foundation Family Supportive Housing Services report
Cookie Cart: An Evaluation of A Youth Work Experience and Empowerment Program in 2014, Summary The Cookie Cart report summary
Cookie Cart: An Evaluation of A Youth Work Experience and Empowerment Program in 2014 The Cookie Cart report