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Report Title Project Name Publication Date Document Type
Community Engagement in the Twin Cities: Interim Report On Strategies, Impact, and Potential Sustainability Corridors of Opportunity report
Women's Recovery Services in Minnesota: Year Two Findings: Evaluation Results of A Minnesota Initiative Serving Chemically Dependent Women and Their Children Women's Recovery Services report
Evaluation of 2013 Summer Learning Freedom School Program Saint Paul Promise Neighborhood report
Northwest Area Foundation - Seeding Change in Rural and Reservation Communities: the Story of Horizons Northwest Area Foundation - Horizons report
Caregiving Policy Workshop Summary Report: A Partnership Between AARP of Minnesota, Alzheimer's Association of Minnesota-North Dakota, and Wilder Center for Communities Caregiving Policy Workshops report
Life Prep Charter School: Case Study LIFE Prep Charter School report
2012-2013 PBIS School Status Report: Cohorts 1-8 School-Wide Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) report summary
Invest Early, Early Childhood Initiative: Year 7 Implementation and Outcomes Evaluation, Summary Invest Early - Early Childhood Initiative report
Alcohol Use and Pregnancy: the Beliefs and Behavior of Minnesota Women Alcohol Use and Pregnancy report
Keys to Successfully Implementing Early Learning Scholarships in Combination With Parent Aware BUILD Initiative report
Ramsey County Chemical Dependency Case Management and Treatment Support Program: Year-End Report Regarding Clients Served and Services Provided: July 2012 Through June 2013 Ramsey County Chemical Dependency Case Management and Treatment Support Program report
WCC Youth Leadership Initiative, 2012-2013 Evaluation Data Tables Youth Leadership Initiative report
WCC Youth Leadership Initiative, 2012-2013 Evaluation Data Tables: 21St CCLC Youth Leadership Initiative report
Cookie Cart Youth Empowerment Program: Evaluation Summary The Cookie Cart report summary
Look Up and Hope: Annual Progress Report Strengthening Families Impacted by Incarceration - Evaluation of Volunteers of America Programs report