
Unfinished Business: Examining Barriers to Obtaining Mental Health Licensure Among Minnesota Graduates: Findings and Recommendations

A woman takes notes while filling out an online application.

In 2023, the Center for Rural Behavioral Health and Wilder Research conducted a study to better understand the barriers that master’s level mental health providers face during the licensure process. The study included a brief review of existing research and a survey of graduates from master’s programs in Minnesota that lead to licensure in social work, counseling, or marriage and family therapy.




Kammer, Roy
Much, Kari
Olson, Morgan


54 p.
Wilder Topic
Study ID

Project Information

The Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Minnesota Center for Rural Behavioral Health

The Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Minnesota Center for Rural Behavioral Health at Minnesota State University, Mankato, worked with Wilder Research to conduct a study to explore the shortage of mental health providers in Minnesota.

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