
Turning the Corner in the Twin Cities

In Minneapolis and Saint Paul, Twin Cities Local Initiatives Support Corporation commissioned the University of Minnesota’s Center for Urban and Regional Affairs and Wilder Research to carry out a research study that addressed two questions: 1. What are early indicators of gentrification? How do community perceptions align with existing data? 2. What interventions and policy changes can be pursued to address residential, business, and cultural displacement?



Pittman, Brian
Rausch, Ela
Matson, Jeff
Nicholls, Gretchen


78 p.
Client Organization

Client Organization

Wilder Topic

Wilder Topic

Study ID

Project Information

Turning the Corner in the Twin Cities

Turning the Corner: Monitoring Action for Neighborhood Change was launched by the Urban Institute’s National Neighborhood Indicators Partnership and the Federal Reserve-Philanthropy Initiative, a collaboration between the Restoring Prosperity in Older Industrial Cities Working Group of the Funders’ Network for Smart Growth and Livable Communities and several Federal Reserve Banks. The initiative used an applied research model to explore processes of gentrification and neighborhood change in lower-income neighborhoods.

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