
Speaking for Themselves: A Survey of Hispanic, Hmong, Russian, and Somali Immigrants in Minneapolis and Saint Paul

This survey explores shared experiences as well as a wealth of differences among four major immigrant groups in the Twin Cities area. Topics include reasons for leaving home, reasons for coming to the United States and Minnesota, English language ability, views about cultural identity, children and schools, religious identification, types of employment, stress factors, and sources of news and information.



Mattessich, Paul
Hope, Ginger


20 p.
Wilder Topic

Wilder Topic

Study ID

Project Information

Speaking for Themselves

This survey explores the experiences of four major immigrant groups in the Twin Cities area. Topics include reasons for leaving home, reasons for coming to the United States and Minnesota, English language ability, treatment by Americans, views about cultural identity and Americanization, children and schools, religious identification, types of employment, stress factors, and sources of news and information. This study also demonstrates a workable method for a random-sample, multilingual, large-scale survey of immigrants.

See everything related to this project.