Nicole MartinRogers
Nicole MartinRogers (White Earth Ojibwe, descendant) has been with Wilder Research since 2001. She provides research and evaluation services to a wide range of programs and organizations. She designs and consults on program evaluations and community-based applied research projects, and facilitates data-based decision-making processes. Nicole has a bachelor’s degree in psychology and sociology from the University of Minnesota, a master’s degree in public policy (M.P.P.) from the Humphrey School at the University of Minnesota, and a doctorate in sociology from the University of Minnesota.
She is grateful for all of the informal learning opportunities she has received working at Wilder and while interacting with various individuals, communities, and organizations in her professional and volunteer roles. Nicole volunteers on the Roseville Schools Indian Education Parent Committee. She joined the Interfaith Action board of directors and Department of Indian Work Advisory Council in 2021, and is the former board chair of Tiwahe Foundation. She is also the former board chair and current co-director for the Saint Paul Children’s Collaborative. Nicole is the former president of the Minnesota Evaluation Association.
- Read her Minnesota Compass blog post on Race Data Disaggregation: What Does it Mean? Why does it Matter?
- Read this University of Minnesota alumni news profile of Nicole's lived and research experience with blood quantum: Reclaiming Identity: How the Red Lake Nation (and Other Tribal Nations) are Moving Past Blood Quantum.