woman and two girls sitting together with house in the background

Eviction Prevention Program

Financial help to help families pay past due rent and home mortgage payments


The Family Homeless Eviction Prevention and Assistance Program is a comprehensive program that can provide support to your household to prevent homelessness and to assist people experiencing homelessness who will be securing housing. 

The goals of the Family Homeless Prevention and Assistance Program are to:

  1. Prevent homelessness
  2. Minimize the number of people who are unhoused
  3. Eliminate repeated episodes of homelessness

Eviction Prevention can provide financial help to pay outstanding (past due) rent and home mortgage for families with dependent children that reside in Ramsey County so that you can remain in your current home.


Contact Information

Phone: 651-280-2375


Applications for the Eviction Prevention Program are temporarily paused. Please check back for updates.

Eligibility Requirements

1. You need assistance with rent or mortgage due to a housing crisis. 

This means you are at imminent risk of homelessness or will experience homelessness within 30 days if you do not receive assistance and you are in need of services and/or financial support.

2. You reside in Ramsey County.

3. Your income is at or below 200% of federal poverty guidelines. (See table below)

4. You are able to provide required supporting documents. 

Examples include identification for all adult (18+) household members, lease or mortgage deed, income verification, proof of identity.

Income Guidelines

Your income must be at or below 200% of the Federal Poverty Guidelines to be eligible for the Eviction Prevention Program. Add $10,280 annually for each additional family member.

Household sizeAnnual incomeMonthly income

Meet the Eviction Prevention Program team

Antonia Coleman

Senior Program Manager - Special Initiatives, Supportive Housing Services