
Community Equity Program

Celebrating 10 Years of Impact in the Community and at the Capitol

Wilder’s Community Equity Program team offers two political leadership programs for people who want to get involved in Minnesota’s legislative policy and advocate for change in their communities.

Community Equity Program

The Community Equity Program (CEP) is an immersive political leadership program that brings together Black, Indigenous, and/or People of Color (BIPOC) who want to get involved in Minnesota’s legislative policy and fight for change in their communities. The 2024-25 cohort will be our 10th!

Led by a BIPOC team, CEP provides participants with a 9-month cohort experience along with knowledge and tools to: advocate and advance state-level legislation, engage with policymakers, question existing systems of power, create space for dreaming, and ultimately, build community power and solidarity to advance justice at the Capitol. 

Community Equity Crash Course

The Crash Course is a condensed version of the Community Equity Program that takes place over four sessions in June 2024. It is an intensive political and advocacy leadership program designed for advocates, allies, community members, and those who are interested in learning about the Minnesota legislative process. (While the Community Equity Program is intended for BIPOC participants, the Crash Course is open to all.)

Applications are now available for the Community Equity Program! Apply by Sunday, June 16.

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Apply for the Community Equity Program

The Community Equity Program is celebrating 10 years of impact in the community and at the Capitol. 

Apply to join our 10th cohort as we embark on another decade of equipping change agents with the tools they need to advocate for the issues and communities they care about. Applications must be submitted by Sunday, June 16 at 11:59 p.m. Central Time.

About the Community Equity Program

Community Equity Program's mission is to deepen engagement of BIPOC communities in the legislative process by building connections to people, communities, groups, and organizations that influence or enact public policy. 

I always felt like my life was shaped and determined by decision makers. Being in this program has allowed me to step up and be part of the decision-making.


Phillipe Cunningham, 2015 CEP Alum

2024-2025 Community Equity Program Schedule

This program year will take place predominantly in person with some virtual sessions noted. In-person sessions will be held at Wilder Center or at the Capitol. 

Kick off: Friday, September 13, 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. and Saturday, September 14, 9 a.m. - 12 p.m. 

  • Friday, September 27

  • Friday, October 11 & 25

  • Friday, November 8 & 22

  • Friday, December 6 (virtual) & 20

  • Friday, January 3 (virtual), 17 & 31

  • Friday, February 7 & 21

  • Friday, March 7 & 21

  • Friday, April  4 & 18

  • Friday, May 2

Graduation | Friday, May 16 | 11 a.m. - 2 p.m.

It’s a great learning experience to help anyone who wants to make change actually do it, and give them the confidence and the tools to actually do it.

Lindberg Chambliss, 2021-2022 Community Equity Program Alum

Meet the Changemakers of the Community Equity Program

Congratulations Leaders! 

Get to know the members of the 2023-2024 cohort of the Community Equity Program.

Community Equity Program Crash Course

The Community Equity Crash Course Is Back!

The Community Equity Crash Course takes place over four sessions, meeting every Monday in June 2024. It is an intensive political and advocacy leadership program designed for advocates, allies, community members, and those who are interested in learning about the Minnesota legislative process. While the Community Equity Program focuses on BIPOC community members, the Community Equity Crash Course is open to all.

The program equips participants with the necessary tools to engage meaningfully with the Minnesota legislative process and ensure that Capitol policies reflect their needs and those of their community. The Community Equity Crash Course is a condensed version of Wilder's Community Equity Program, whose graduates have gone on to become legislators, mayors, campaign organizers, non-profit leaders, and powerful advocates. The Community Equity Crash Course is ideal for individuals who cannot commit to the 9-month program required for

No experience is required, but even those with intermediate experience in legislative advocacy will gain valuable skills and connections. 

Please email CEP@wilder.org with questions.The application period for the 2024Community Equity Crash Course has passed. Thank you to all who applied!

Meet the Public Policy Team

Dan Buck

Public Policy Associate Program Manager

Michelle Koffa Dormoh

Community Equity Program Manager

Adrián Rafael Magaña

Director of Public Policy & Community Relations

Stories, Research & Impact

Keisha Mitchell

The Community Equity Program provided Keisha Mitchell with hands-on experience during a historic Legislative session

Minnesota legislators passed transformational legislation for abortion rights, paid family and medical leave, transgender rights protections, driver’s licenses for undocumented residents, restoration of voting rights for people after rel...More about this story »