
Expanding Services to Parenting Women with Substance Use Disorder: Activities, Highlights, and Lessons Learned from DHS's Women's Integrated Care (WIC) Hubs 1.0 Program

The Women’s Integrated Care Hubs 1.0 program expanded the crisis services and enhanced the culturally and linguistically responsive services offered by substance use providers. This final report captures the activities completed through Hubs, lessons learned, areas for future momentum, and a brief description of who was served through Hubs and what families need.




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Client Organization

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Study ID

Project Information

Women's Recovery Services

Women's Recovery Services (WRS) is an initiative of the Minnesota Department of Human Services Alcohol and Drug Abuse Division. Grantees across Minnesota provide treatment support and recovery services for pregnant and parenting women who have substance use disorders and their families. The evaluation includes process and outcome evaluations and a cost-benefit analysis.

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