Faith Opakunle
Faith Opakunle comes from a background of evaluation and promoting positive youth development in education, out of time school programs, and other community organizations through the lens of research and policy. Faith has extensive experience in facilitating focus groups, interviews and various qualitative and quantitative research in her line of work. Her most dedicated passion is with youth and mentorship, believing that for all young children and adults to thrive, they need consistent connection between themselves and the adults in their lives. Prior to coming to Wilder Research, Faith was a research assistant for two years at Search Institute.
She also holds a bachelors degree in sociology/anthropology with a concentration in statistics and data sciences from St. Olaf College where she graduated in 2021. Hailing from St. Paul, she loves to take walks around Lake Phalen and explore the scenery. Faith loves to watch Netflix, play volleyball, hang out with family and especially eat good food. You can probably catch her gushing about her two cats, Mew and Chimmy, at any given time (and showing pictures).