
Neighborhood Revitalization Jordan Neighborhood: 3-Year Follow-Up Study

Habitat for Humanity creates safe, affordable housing for lower-income families. This project focused on the Neighborhood Revitalization program, which aims to  integrate and adapt the Habitat's traditional housing program delivery into community goals in order to have greater impact on improved quality of life in a neighborhood. This report is an evaluation of the property conditions and quality of life within the Jordan neighborhood, and will help TC Habitat and community members to align resources and goals and to establish further action steps to address ongoing challenges in the Jordan neighborhood.



Montes de Oca, Polina
Hansen-Connell, Madeleine
Pittman, Brian


81 p.
Client Organization

Client Organization

Wilder Topic
Study ID

Project Information

Twin Cities Habitat for Humanity

Through the Neighborhood Revitalization program, Twin Cities Habitat expanded its traditional focus to a broader goal of working to address multifaceted and ongoing challenges in historically disinvested communities. The evaluation looked at the impact of the program on the Jordan neighborhood of Minneapolis.

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