Caregiver Services Volunteer Ron Dexter: ‘I’m Giving of My Gifts’
If a caregiver wants to talk, Ron Dexter is ready to listen. Ron is a Wilder volunteer who calls people connected with Wilder Caregiver Services to ask how they are doing. These check-in calls help Caregiver Services reach caregivers whose needs have changed, and they can often serve as a morale boost for people who are caring for family members or friends.
Every month, Ron calls from a list of 50-100 people. He notes when the people he calls would benefit from a caregiver consultant so that a professional can reach out to them. “Sometimes, it’s just enough for people to hear from Ron,” says Mona Walden-Frey, former manager of Wilder Caregiver Services. “He’s an incredibly compassionate person who really connects with people.”