

Trends, insights and thought leadership on community matters by Wilder staff, volunteers, supporters and partners


Self-Care is a Critical Investment in Ourselves to Support the People and the Causes that Matter to Us

by Pahoua Yang
It has been exactly a year since my family and I returned from a short trip to celebrate the end of spring break. My children never returned physically to school. The next day, I sat with… Read more »

5 Things You Can Do to Help a Caregiver

By Rachel Barrett Former first lady Rosalynn Carter said, "There are only four kinds of people in the world: those who have been caregivers, those who are currently caregivers, those who will be… Read more »

Five Things to Know about Adult Day Services as a Long Term Care Solution

by Cassandra Harvey
National Adult Day Services Week in September is much more than a yearly celebration of this important resource for older adults and adults with memory loss or chronic health conditions. The week… Read more »

LGBTQ Support Group Helps Caregivers Connect on Aging and Health in an Understanding Space

Mary Henderson is a caregiver for her wife, who has mild cognitive impairment due to Lewy body dementia. For support, understanding and resources, Mary attends two support groups. In one group, which… Read more »

Five Ways to Create a Caregiver-Friendly Workplace

More than one in six Americans working full-time or part-time are also providing unpaid care to a family member or friend. Some workers are “sandwich caregivers”, raising children as well as caring… Read more »

In Their Own Voices: Five Books by Caregivers about the Caregiving Experience

by Parichay Rudina
One of the most amazing moments in the caregiver support groups at Wilder is when two people with different caregiving situations realize that they are experiencing incredibly similar emotions,… Read more »

How Can We Help Caregivers? Pause and Listen.

by Maureen Kenney
Wilder Caregiver Services support family and friend caregivers of older adults as they continue to provide care, so older adults can live in the community as long as they choose or are able. When I… Read more »

Expertise on Caregiving is Incomplete without the Perspective of Caregivers

by Maureen Kenney
On a cold, icy evening in St. Paul, a crowd of Minnesotans gathered to talk about family caregiving, specifically the “caregiving sandwich” which translates to those caring for aging parents and… Read more »