

Trends, insights and thought leadership on community matters by Wilder staff, volunteers, supporters and partners


Homelessness Is Not a Character Flaw, It's a Math Problem

Last night, about 14,000 people in Minnesota were homeless. That is an all-time high for our state, and we will not see this number go down until we address the most fundamental and frequent reason… Read more »

Coalition of Asian American Leaders: Uniting as Asian Minnesotans

Asian Minnesotans: Who are we? How do we bring voice and visibility to our community assets, needs, and potential? And why does unity matter?

My Brush with the World of Fashion

​An upcoming Minnesota History Center exhibit, Inspiring Beauty: 50 Years of Ebony Fashion Fair, recalls fond memories from my community of Rondo Avenue, an extraordinary temp job during my years at… Read more »

Building Capacity: The Necessary Ingredients to Create Change

​Have you ever done something that earlier in your life you would have thought impossible for you to do? If so, then you have personally experienced capacity building. Capacity is defined as the… Read more »

Caregivers Come Together in Minnesota's Only LGBTQ Support Group

​Minnesota’s only support group for LGBTQ caregivers has launched. Through the LGBTQ Caregiver Support Group, those providing care for older adults can come together to share their feelings,… Read more »

Martin Luther King: Continued Inspiration for a Continuous Journey

by Paul Mattessich
Dr. King’s words – “Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that” – speak loudly to researchers. I like to think that we have had the ability to shine at least a little bit of light by… Read more »

Caring for a Loved One from Afar

by Jen Finstad
Long-distance travel makes me reflective. I think about the 337 miles between my parents and my adult life where my job and my husband reside. And as I traveled recently on an Amtrak train to… Read more »

Courageous Spaces: Building Intercultural Competence and Racial Equity

by Cardina Esparza
​I am a planner in Wilder Programs and a consultant with Wilder Center for Communities. I have often been looked to and requested for my facilitation expertise and ability to lead intercultural… Read more »