

Trends, insights and thought leadership on community matters by Wilder staff, volunteers, supporters and partners


What Can We Do Together That We Can’t Do Alone?

The diversity of our communities and our organizations means that almost any time we come together, we do so across difference. That's where this research and practice-based collaboration resource… Read more »

Preventing Homelessness in Our Community Starts with Trust

by Nona Ferguson
I have been working to help families experiencing homelessness stabilize for more than two decades and I’ve heard it all before. The stereotypes, the explanations, the rationale for why we… Read more »

Talking Terms: When Community Engagement and Research Intersect

Researcher Amanda Hane explores how developing a clear understanding of these terms can help your organization be more intentional about why and how you engage communities.

Reimagining Knowledge, Power and Experience for Community-Driven Change

At some point, many of us have heard the phrase, “knowledge is power,” but how many of us have actually taken that phrase literally? For many years, my understanding of knowledge was based on a '… Read more »

3 Ways Culturally Specific Mental Health Services Break Barriers to Community Treatment

by Barbara Williamson
Working as a social worker for over thirty-five years with people from all backgrounds, I have witnessed firsthand the struggles individuals face dealing with mental health issues – particularly… Read more »

How Rochester Public Library Made Our Logic Model Work for Us

In a guest post, Rochester Public Library Director Audrey Betcher shares how their logic model helped them tell their story.

Reducing Pregnancy and Birth Risks for African Americans with Integrated Community Care

by Sameerah Bilal-Roby
Pregnancies and birth outcomes among African Americans nationally and within Minnesota are disparate when compared to expecting White mothers and babies.  Both the infant mortality rate and the… Read more »

Finding Balance through an Integrated Model of Service

We live in complex and challenging times. Ads on TV, the internet and radio remind us of it constantly. They showcase ways for us to slow down, to step away from the daily hustle, to take a moment to… Read more »