

Trends, insights and thought leadership on community matters by Wilder staff, volunteers, supporters and partners


Mental Health Licensure Barriers in Minnesota: A Closer Look at Supervision

by Miamoua Vang
There is a critical workforce shortage of mental health professionals in Minnesota, with 72% of Minnesota counties federally designated as mental health provider shortage areas.

Meet the Researcher: Briellen Griffin

Get to know Brie, her views on community engagement, and what brings her joy in research work.

Data Ownership, Governance, and Sovereignty for Nonprofits

by Jacqueline Zhang
What are the data points that describe you? Do you feel they accurately represent who you are? When you give away your data, do you know what it’s being used for? Do you trust institutions to make… Read more »

Music for Life Connects Older Adults with Music and Community

by Ryan Ander-Evans
Learn how evaluation partner MacPhail Center for Music connects older adults through music classes and ensembles. Hear participants in their own words and learn about the program's impact.

Turning data into action: What’s next for the Minnesota Homelessness Study?

by Stephanie Nelson-Dusek
Find out how thousands of interviews with people experiencing homelessness are turned into information that improves policies and programs.

Survey Shows Minnesotans Value the Arts and Opportunities Remain to Improve Access

by Ryan Ander-Evans
Research shows that arts and creative experiences are important for people’s quality of life. The arts can impact personal health and well-being, contribute to academic achievement in children and… Read more »

Community Survey is Guiding Libraries to Meet Community Needs for Digital Access

by Anna Granias, Jennifer Valorose
Understanding the needs of residents is essential for libraries to equitably provide services. This regional library system is using results from a community survey to meet technology and digital… Read more »

Evaluation Conference Takeaways: What We Learned

by Jackie Aman, Sera Kinoglu, Alissa Jones
In late 2022, three Wilder Research staff attended the American Evaluation Association annual conference in New Orleans. Sera Kinoglu, Jackie Aman, and Alissa Jones all embraced the chance to build… Read more »