Thank You 2023 Supporters
Generous supporters like you help make our mission possible of improving lives today and for generations to come. From all of us at Wilder, thank you!
● 5+ years of giving | ■ 10+ years of giving | ♦ employee | * deceased
☰On This Page
Thank You Individuals & Families for Contributing to Wilder's Annual Fund
C. Curtis Dunnavan*
Nicholson Family Foundation, Richard and Nancy Nicholson Fund
Craig and Kathleen Binger
Ruth Fingerson
Don and Patricia Garofalo■
William C. King
Nicholson Family Foundation, Chad and Laura Nicholson
Kennon Rothchild■
Thomas and Lois Sando■
Nicholson Family Foundation, Pondie and Mark Taylor
Nancy and Thomas Nelson
Eric Nicholson and Anna Waters■
George and Diane Power●
Valerie Johnson & Kristine Szczech
Stephanie Wolkin
Anonymous (3)
Andrew and Jennifer Adams●
Mike and Ann Ciresi●
Terry and Cheryl Crowson●
Sherman Devitt■
Patrick and Christine Donovan●
Marybeth Dorn●
William E. Harrison■
Michelle M. Morehouse♦■
Conradine Sanborn and Chris Colantti
Ann L. Wynia■
Mark and Jodie Zesbaugh●
Anonymous (2)●
Robert Beck
Colleen and Patrick Bollom■
Ron Bongard●
Julie Brunner and Dale Ulrich■
Armando and Angela Camacho♦
Audrey E. Copeland■
Page Knudsen Cowles and Jay Cowles■
Charlton H. Dietz●
Mary Domaskin
Kevin and Catherine Earley●
Francis and Noreen Farrell
Steve and Susie Fritze
Robyn Hansen■
Fred and Archie Harris■
Kong and Kaohly Her
Jennifer G. Hines, M.D.■
John and Ruth Huss
Dr. Art Kaemmer■
Sandy Kiernat■
Daniel and Constance Kunin■
Todd and Martha Nicholson■
Mark and Jackie Nolan■
Mariana Quiroga and Sam Schinazi
Missy Thompson and Gar Hargens■
Robin Torgerson■
Liz and Tim Welsh
Mark and Nancy Wilson
Arend Family Impact Fund
Dana Badgerow and Kathy Barclay●
Heather R. Britt♦
Darrell D. Butterwick
Heidi and Brock Christianson
Alex and Judith Cirillo■
Joan R. Duddingston●
Dr. Charles J. Fazio●
Ralph and Rachel Garding
MayKao and Lao Lu Hang■
John M. Harrington
Leaetta M. Hough, Ph.D.
Rochelle and Chris Johnson
Stephanie Johnson
Roger and Patricia Kerber
Tom and Mary Kingston
Judy and Edward Kishel●
Carl and Janet Kuhrmeyer●
Joseph N. Lane and Linda E. Lane
John and Karen Meslow●
Maggie O'Gara and Steve Sabes
John and Corine Petraborg●
Barbara Roy●
Sylvia Strobel and Walter Lehmann
Richard M. Todd and Patricia C. Haswell
Ghita Worcester
Pahoua Yang and James Song♦●
Anthony and Ruth Yocum■
Kathleen Allen
Nancy and Evan Anderson
Marcia and Marshall Averbook
Brent J. Bertsch
Jack Bogrand
Andy and Lisa Brown■
Mike and Kathy Buendgen●
Rachel Clement and Vanessa Madeiros
Tetra and Nneka Constantino
Sheldon W. Damberg■
Sandra and Lynn Davis
Andrea Domaskin and Quang Trieu♦●
Dr. Joe and Lois West Duffy●
Cynthia Ernst
Elizabeth Euller
Nancy J. Feldman
Michael H. Foote●
Dennis and Barbara Frederick
Michelle Gerrard♦■
Morris Goodwin, Jr. and Donna Lindsay Goodwin■
Edith Gozali-Lee♦
May and Chengfu Hang
Yee Chang and Kindra Hang
Jennie and John Hawkins♦■
Craig Helmstetter■
Mary K. Hines
Brian and Karen Holcomb●
Ann and Terry Huntrods
Antonio Jhocson and Cara Walz
Mark S. Joffe
Marlene E. Johnson■
Virginia M. Juffer■
Joseph Kagol
William and Marla Kennedy
Judy Kenney●
Laurie A. Knocke
Thomas and Leslie Kottke■
Bettie and Jim Lee
Cyndi and Dennis Lesher
Allison and Alex Liuzzi♦■
David and Sherla Mayer■
Pete and Rebecca Mayer
Tammy L. McIntyre♦●
Heather and Gregory McMoore♦■
Roberta Megard
Dan and Sharon Mueller♦
Dawn M. Mueller♦
Ann C. Nicholson
Carmen O'Halloran
Gail Olson and Steve Hopkins
Sally and Thomas Patterson■
Jim Pfau and Denise Kania■
Sue Piva and Laurie Keate■
Laurie Knocke
April and Michael Prunty
Maria and Aaron Redman
Carleen Rhodes and Byron Gilman
Kathryn L. Schleich■
Steve and Katie Schmidt■
John and Ellen Schreier■
Jan M. Shimanski and Robert F. Mills●
David and Cecilia Simpson■
Julie Smith
Carolyn J. Sorensen■
Fred H. Speece Jr.
Nancy Speer●
Gunter Stein●
Dan and Robin Stoltz
Burton Swan■
Barbara L. Swanson
Jennifer M. Thao and Gregg J. Musiker♦●
Jon and Lea Theobald■
Paul Tuckner and Pamela Scaia
F. William and Mary Tuominen
Jackie Turner
Meredith and Sam Tutterow
Karen M. Ulstad♦■
Mary M. Walser and Lynne E. Meyer■
David Wark and Mary Ann Barrows Wark■
Oliver and Katrina Winogrodzki
Gerald and Becky Woelfel■
Mai Yang♦
Yeng Yang and Jay Dirks
Robert H. Zabel■
Steven and Susan Zimmerman●
Anonymous (2)
Paul and Margaret Clouthier Acito
Keven Ambrus♦
Marnie T. Andrews■
Nina Archabal■
Patricia Bolger●
Ronnie and Roger Brooks
Laura and Michael Brown♦■
Leah Byman
Ellen Cleary♦●
Elizabeth H. Cobb and Peter V. Maye
Andrew Collins
Sophia Cousineau
Kristin Dillon♦
Duchesne P. Drew
Phillip and Sandra Edwardson■
Steve and Mary Kate Engel
Paula Engstrom●
Donald Flower♦
Kevin Galligan
Katherine Gallup-Strom●
John and Jill Gauger
Megan Habbe
Jack and Joan Hansen●
Hastodowell Family Fund
Brad and Susan Hewitt
Louis F. Hill and Kathrine E. Hill●
Sandra Holten-Athneil■
Lauri Hopkins
Becky Howard
Gretchen M. Ibele●
Andrea and Mike Jewett
Benjamin J. Jewett♦●
Peter and Sarah Johnson
Alissa Jones♦
Beverly Jones Heydinger
Nancy L. Kachel■
Maria Kannankutty
Justin and Stephanie Kappel
William and Jeanne Kosfeld■
Jay and Melanie Kuderka
Vickie Lemanczykafka
Margaret A. Lidstad■
Tamara Massop
Paul and Tara Mattessich♦■
Rick and Val Moore
Nancy Myers■
Clyde D. Nelson■
Vanessa Ng♦
Sarah M. Olson
Anne D. Pick■
Paige and Anthony Priolo♦●
Matthew and Peggy Radford
Chris and Jennifer Reedy
Patrick and Mary Regan
Anne and Jeff Rodenberg♦●
Alan Rose
James W. Rustad■
Betsie Sawyer
Pamela Scaia and Paul Tuckner
John and Ruth Scheef
Janet A. Schweigert♦■
Jill Seidelmann
Brien Slawik and Monika Strom
Larry Soderholm●
Ed Strecker
Dan Swanson♦■
Charles Torrey■
Barbara E. Tretheway and Michelle E. Beeman
Ana Van de Hinz
May Vang Swanson
Thomas L. von Sternberg and Eve Parker
Gloria and Jason Wehlage
Stephen and Katherine Wellington
LaVonne Wieland♦
Hua Xiong-Her♦■
David Abbott
Melissa Adolfson♦
Rebecca Albrecht
Jacqueline Statum Allen
Dana L. Almer
Richard and Paula Almer■
Patricia Ameden♦
Floyd and Sharon Anderson
Sheryl Anderson
Margot and Paul Andress
Cindy K. Angerhofer
Mark and Laura Anton♦
Ruth Appleton
Stephen and Carol Askew
Julie Atella♦
Lindsay Bacher●
Janayah Bagurusi♦
Tim and Kathy Ball
Amy Barthel♦■
Beth Beckers
Henry R. Bendixen●
Jesse Benedict♦
David P. Bergstrom
Jane and Howard Bicker
Paula Biever
Andy Binger
Zoe Bird
Nadeen Bishop
James and Vicki Bliss
Dana Bloyer
Dennis Blue
Mark Boeyink
Anna Bosak
Christopher E. Boulton
Cindy Bourne
Ted Bowman and Marge Grahn-Bowman
Erik J. Brandt●
Wendy Braun
Jane S. Brodie and Michael Brodie
Julie Schultz Brown
John M. Bryson and Barbara C. Crosby
Evan Buell
Ann Burkholder
Teri Burthay
Mavis Busch
Noni and Malcolm Byrnes
Sandy E. Carolan and Nicola S. Giancola
Jonelle Carrera
Karen Carrier
Anne R. Carroll and Bruno M. Franck
Mary Casey
Sarah Cassell
Wendy Caucutt
Richard A. Chase and Nancy Devitt■
Mickey Chick
Eliza and Colin Chlebeck
Rose Chu
Andrew and Sherene Cleary
Barbara Coffelt
Dan and Kate Cole■
Amelia Colwell
Mary Comford
Riley and Andrea Conway
Matt and Kim Cooke
Lois C. Coon■
Roberta Cordano and Mary S. Baremore
Erin D. Coryell
Elizabeth Coville and Verne Dusenbery
Wendy Cowan■
Tyrize Cox
Steve Cramer
Brittney Crock Bauerly
Mary Croft
Kathy Dahlen■
Gregory and Janice Dames■
John and Cheryl Davenport
Matthew C. Dehn●
Tanner DeZee
Scott Dillon
James Dockman and Judy Lear■
Diane Dowdle
Otter Dreaming
Mary Jo Drews
Rebecca Driscoll●
Jerry and Gayle Dustrud
Susan and John Egan●
Amanda Eggers♦■
Jeff and Elizabeth Eggert
Louise Eidsmoe■
Barbara Eijadi
Meg Eilers
Catherine D. Enslin●
Rosemary and Patrick Enslin
Christine Erickson♦
Joshua Erickson
Christina Esparza
Valerie Estabrook
John Fabie
Thomas and Florence Farnham■
Thomas H. Farnham II
Marny Farrell
Alana Ferch
Nona and Vanwright Ferguson♦●
Concha Fernandez Del Ray
Deborah Ferry
Rachel Fields♦●
Kathryn DeSpiegelaere Fischer●
Linda Fisher■
Bonnie Jean Flom
Beth E. Fondell
Holly Forsberg♦■
Richard Fowler
Stephanie and Arlo Frost
Alison Furse and Daniel T. O'Gara
Patricia A. Gaarder
Jennifer Garber and Kathleen Krypel
Heather Gardner
Willie Garrett, Ed. D.
Judith Gavin
Noah Geffert
Mindy Geisser●
Jenny Geris♦
Melissa Gibbs♦●
Anne Gimpl♦
Jane and Richard Giovannetti
Erin Glas
Phyllis R. Goff●
Carol Goldsmith
Nancy and Steve Goldsmith
Christian Graefe
Inta Gravitis
Lisa Greenberg
Edward and Linda Groom
Debra and Scott Grosse
Don and Rosemary Gruber
Tony and Catherine Grundhauser
Laura S. Gusa
Elizabeth H. Guthmann
Lari and Robert Hacker♦
Nancy Halfman
Thalia Hall♦
Patricia Halverson
Dana Hamilton
Patricia and James Hannasch
Norman and Sandra Hanson
Bertha Harrington
Cassandra Harvey
Rochelle Hauser
Catherine Hawkins
Jerome Helfand
Takara Henegar
Sandra Her♦●
James and Lynne Hicks
Liam J. Higgins
Mark Hildman
David Hill and Shirley Swenson
Mary Hill
Stephen Himmerich
Scott Hinchee
Amy and John Hink
Sarah Hjelmberg
Courtney Hobson
Junice Hochbrunn
Matthew Hoffman
Joe Hollenback●
Sheri Holm♦
Sheri Holm
Pauline and Rene Hoogmoed
Thomas and Jean Houghton
Yujung Hu and Samuel Imbo
Amy E. Huerta●
George Hunt
Monica Idzelis Rothe♦●
Shaila and Jay Jensen♦
Peggy Johaningsmeir
Barbara and Lary Johnson
Jaime Johnson
Lisa Johnson
Sandra Johnson
Shotsy and Ward Johnson●
Jacqueline D. Jones♦
Julia Joseph-Di Caprio and Fernando Di Caprio
John and Sharon Juen
Mary Keirstead and Edward Swain
Suzanne Kelly
Dale and Vernita Kennen
Gail Kenney
Maureen Kenney■
Patricia Kerlin
Jerry Kern■
William Kirkland♦
Richard S. Kleber■
Jenny L. Klein
Kirsten and Timothy Klevan
John and Carol Kline■
Meredith Kramer
Mathan and Meagan Krishnappan
Brad Kruse■
Christine A. Kuderka
Patricia Kuderka
Kimberly and Joseph Labuz♦
Kathleen Lander
Alexander Larson♦
Jade Larson♦
Joseph Larson
Molly Larson
Karen and Gerald Lauer
Dolores Ledeen
Erica Ledesma
Angela Lee
Debbie and Andrew Lee
Mai Nyua Lee♦
Steven and Deborah Legvold
Lisa and Mark Lehman
Shawn Leighton
Jessica Lerbs
Anne and John Levin
Anne Li♦
Beverly and Donald Liebenstein
Hsin Huei Lin and Yuan Ming Tang
Lanice and Varland Lincoln
Eric Lind
Mary Lindeman
Tom Lindner
Heather Loch and Carl Wedell♦■
Anthony Lu
Mike Luke●
Colman Lydon
Anastasia Magee
Judith Magnuson
Patricia Malzacher
Mary and Ben Manderfeld
Ann Marlow
Monty Martin and Deborah J. Drew
Michael J. and Oi C. Mattison■
Brian May
John and Molly Mayer
Rachel McCabe●
Dr. Bruce McCarthy, M.D.
Jennifer McCleary♦
Malcolm W. McDonald■
Joseph and Brenda McGrath
Kathryn and David McGraw-Schuchman♦
Anne McInerney
Linda McIntosh
Jeanne and Jeff McLean■
Shannon McLevish♦■
Julie Megow♦●
Dennis and Debi Meissner
Joshua and Kristi Metcalf
John Meyer●
Kenedy A. Meyer
Mark J. Miazga
Melissa Mikkonen
Christine Miller♦
Johnell and Joshua Miller
Larry and Sharon Miller
Lindsay Millett-Glass
Karine and Paul Moe
Feroz Mohammed
Danielle Monteith
Dr. and Mrs. Charles P. Morgan
Larry Moy
Andrew Mueller♦
Patty Mueller
Frank Mumford
Christina Munoz-Pinon♦
Kristi Murtaugh
Patti Nalipinski
Geraldine Nelsen
Heather Nelsen
Howard Nelsen
Kathryn Nelsen
R Owen Nelsen
Daniel and Jacqueline Nerud
Mulki Nur♦
Jean M. O'Connell■
Timothy O'Gara
Alyce and Peter Ohser
Ben Olk
Dorothy B. Olson
Grant and Julie Olson
Mark Olson and Norma Smith Olson
Susan Olsson
Greg and Phyllis Owen♦■
Bonnie B. Padilla
Mary Jane and Bruce Pappas
Joe Pauley
Kate Pearce
Kristine Pederson
Eva Pesch
Lucille M. Petermeier●
Janet Peterson
Jeff Peterson
Margaret and David Peterson♦■
Jamila Pickett♦
Sharon D. Pitala
Jacqueline Pokorney
Michael and Susan Portland
Theodore A. Pouliot●
Gertrude Powers
Naomi Prabhakar
Nancy Price
Jaime Prickett
Jennifer Proksch
Eugene and Mary Purcell
Joanie Putz
Charles A. Putzer
Gloria Quest
Peggy and Matthew Radford
Dane Rasmussen
Patricia Reimann
Ann Beatrice Renner
Ann M. Reubish
Jacob and Jane Ricker
T. Ridge
Molly Rinehart
John Rod
Robyn Rongstad
Laurel Rose
Steve and Kristen Rose
Alice Rossignol
Stephen and Amy Rothstein♦●
Lori Rukstales♦■
Stephen and Ann Russell●
Mark B. Ryshavy
Samreen and Sameer Saadi●
John Sagner
Mary Saiko
Phil and Susan Schenkenberg
Matt Schroeder■
Shawn Schuette♦■
Anita Scott
Jeff and Mary Scott■
Emily Seddon
Ted Selbitschka
Corrin Shalom
Katherine Shanmugam♦●
Jill Sigelman
Greta Sikorski
Deborah Sittko●
Maureen and Jared Skelly
Dorothy L. Skobba●
Victoria Slagle
Pam Solstad
Ann Somers●
Russ Stark and Betsy Murray●
Connie and Byron Starns
Nicole Starr
Amy Stedman
Patty Stolpman
Mary and John Strassburg
Dick Streeper
Elona Street-Stewart and H. D. Street-Stewart
Elizabeth Stuck
Richard and Carol Stucker
Karen Stuhlfeier and Walt Cygan♦
Paula Stumne
Jean Suchanek
John and Diana Swanson●
Michelle Tauer
Denise Teuber
Tony Thao
Chuck and Edith Thomas
Gael Thompson♦●
Karyn Thompson♦
Barbara Tigan
Diane Tinnes
Jenna Tomlinson♦
Elizabeth Townsend
Susan and Steve Townsend
Nan Upin and Edward Murphy■
Jane Vanderpoel Gutknecht and Kevin Gutknecht●
Gaonou Vang
Michelle Vasquez
Abby Voigt
Wesley S. Volkenant
Patrick M. Votel
Wanda N. Walker♦●
Kerry Walsh and Tom Meyer♦■
Deborah Wayne
Joy Wedan
Roy and Julia Welter
Cole Wensman
John and Jean Westberg
Claudia and Donald Wiebold■
Randy Wiederin
Deanna Wiener
Kathleen Willette
Janet L. Wilson
Maggie Wirth-Johnson and Jim Johnson●
Brianne Wojciechowski
Gina Wolfe
Tsua Xiong
Xia Xiong♦
Bee Xiong-Vang
Bounmee Yang
Amanda B. Yates
Terri Yearwood
David and Colleen Youngquist■
Dale and Claudia Zellmer
Dawn and Anthony Zugay
Thank You for Your In Kind Gifts
Anonymous (2)
45th Parallel
Acqua Restaurant
Jennifer and Andrew Adams
Agra Culture Kitchen
Sharon and Michael Ahern
Allina Health
Keven Ambrus♦
Nancy and Evan Anderson
Arbeiter Brewing
Arthur Murray Dance Centers
Award Staffing
B.C. Contracting
Amy Barthel♦
Placemaker Hospitality
Bell Museum
Bent Paddle Brewing Co.
Big River Pizza
Dana Bloyer
Mary Bongard
Laura and Michael Brown♦
Julie Brunner and Dale Ulrich
Burlap & Barrel
Cafe Latte
Armando and Angela Camacho♦
The Canine Coach
Canine Coach / K9 Coach
Caribou Coffee
Cecils Delicatessen and Restaurant
Alex and Judith Cirillo
Ellen Cleary and Nettie Colon♦
Clive's Roadhouse
Jen Collins♦
Amelia Colwell
Commonwealth Properties
Andrea Corich
Creekside Supper Club
Dakota Jazz Club
Dale Studios
Mary David
Davita Dialysis
Dellwood Country Club
Downtown Dogs
Drury Hotels
Duluth Grill
Duluth Pottery
Earl Giles Restaurant and Distillery
Kevin Early
Elsa's House of Sleep
Emagaine Theatres
Christine Erickson♦
Nona and Vanwright Ferguson♦
Rachel Fields♦
Fortune Bay Resort and Casino
Four Daughters Vineyard and Winery
Linda Fox
Frost River
Goddard School
Maria Gomez
Great Lakes Aquarium
Nancy Hansen
Robyn Hansen
Jennie and John Hawkins♦
Kong Her
Sandra Her♦
Highland Nursery
House Of Comedy
House of Hope Presbyterian Church
Invitation Homes
J.W. Hulme Co.
Jester Concepts Restaurants
Rochelle Johnson
Chuck Kanski
Lynn Rosetto Kasper
KCB Corporation
Judy Kishel
Kowalski's Markets
La Grolla
Lacrosse Distilling Co.
Lakewinds Food Co-op
Karin Lamers
League of Minnesota Cities
Nanette Lepore
Marilyn and Chuck Letourneau
Lockton Companies
Love Creamery
Luci Ancora
Mann Theatres, Inc.
MetroNome Brewery
Minneapolis Institute of Arts
Minneapolis & St. Paul Pub Pass
Minnesota Children's Museum
Minnesota Landscape Arboretum
Minnesota Nice Cream
Minnesota Opera
Minnesota Orchestra
Minnesota State Fair
Minnesota State Horticultural Society
Minnesota Wild
Minnesota Zoo
Michelle M. Morehouse♦
Mary Mosiniak
Mother Earth Gardens
Nine Mile Brewing Company
Maggie O'Gara
Bonnie B. Padilla
Pahl Market
Joan Peterson
Punch Neopolitan Pizza
Mariana Quiroga and Sam Schinazi
R. F. Moeller Jeweler
Molly Rinehart
Roat Osha
Rosaline's Candles
Rudy's Redeye Grill
Saint Paul Chamber Orchestra
Kathryn L. Schleich
Janet A. Schweigert♦
Science Museum of Minnesota
Seward Community Co-op
Julie Smith
Spire Federal Credit Union
St. Paul Area Association of Realtors
Stages Theatre Company
Theresa Stene
Stone Mountain Pet Lodge
Mark O. Stutrud
Summit Brewing Company
Surly Brewing Company
Taylors Falls Scenic Boat Tours
Terrace Horticultural Books
The Charmant Hotel
The Cowles Center
The Yarnery
Theatre Latte Da
Theatre Mu
Three Rivers Park District
Top Golf
Total Wine and More
Trader Joe's
The Transition Network - MSP
Triple Shift Entertainment
Union 32 Craft House
Greater Twin Cities United Way
University of Minnesota Gopher Sports
University of St. Thomas
Kelly Urista♦
U.S. Bank
Venn Brewing
Village Health
Waldman's Brewery
Chris Welsh
Amanda Welshons
White Bear Country Inn
Stephanie Wolkin
Wuollet Bakery
Ann Wynia
Lee Pao Xiong
Pahoua Yang and James Song♦
Amanda Yates
Francene Young Rolstad♦
Yumi Japanese Restaurant and Bar
John Zimmerman♦
Thank You Businesses & Organizations
Anonymous (4)
Anonymous (2)●
Abbott Laboratories●
Abrasives of Saint Paul
Advance Consulting, LLC●
Allianz Life Insurance Company of North America●
Allina Health■
AmazonSmile Foundation●
Ameriprise Financial Matching Gift Program■
Andersen Corporate Foundation●
Hugh J. Andersen Foundation■
The Katherine B. Andersen Fund of the Saint Paul & Minnesota Foundation■
Andersen Windows and Doors●
Anonymous Fund of The Minneapolis Foundation
Aon Hewitt
Arch Insurance Group
Arend Family Impact Fund
Arlington House
Award Staffing
AWH Architects
B.C. Contracting
The Tretheway Beeman Fund of the Saint Paul & Minnesota Foundation
Beim Foundation
Bell Bank
Bell Museum
F. R. Bigelow Foundation■
Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Minnesota Foundation■
Bongard Corporation
Boston Scientific Corporation■
Otto Bremer Trust■
Ronnie and Roger Brooks Fund of the Saint Paul & Minnesota Foundation
Brown & Brown●
Bush Foundation■
The Patrick and Aimee Butler Family Foundation■
Capital Maintenance●
Cargill, Inc.
Caribou Coffee
Carlson Family Foundation
Catholic United Financial Foundation
Center for Urban & Regional Affairs
Child Care Aware of Minnesota
Ciresi Conlin, LLP●
Ciresi Walburn Foundation for Children
Cirillo Family Charitable Fund at Schwab Charitable●
Clement Family Fund of Fidelity Charitable
Jay and Page Cowles Giving Fund of Fidelity Charitable
Cyber Advisors, Inc.
Dakota Jazz Club
David, Katie, Paige, Isaac Scharfbillig at Schwab Charitable
Davis Kinoglu Family Foundation at Fidelity Charitable
Frank M. DeForce Fund■
Dell Giving
Delta Dental of Minnesota
The Dietz Family Fund of the Saint Paul & Minnesota Foundation●
Christine & Patrick Donovan Family Fund of the Saint Paul & Minnesota Foundation●
Drew Martin Charitable Fund at Schwab Charitable
Joan Duddingston Fund of Schwab Charitable●
The C. Curtis Dunnavan Fund
Ecolab Foundation■
Mary and Louis Eisenmenger Memorial Fund■
The EkoForss II Fund of the National Philanthropic Trust
Elizabeth H. Cobb & Peter V. Maye Charitable Account
Estee Lauder Companies
Family Housing Fund
First Children's Finance
Dr. Robert and Linda Fisher Charitable Fund
Eugene U. and Mary F. Frey Family Fund of the Saint Paul & Minnesota Foundation●
The Steve Euller and Nancy Roehr Family Charitable Trust
B. C. Gamble and P. W. Skogmo Fund of the Minneapolis Foundation
Gardner Builders
The Garofalo Foundation of the Saint Paul & Minnesota Foundation
General Mills
General Mills Foundation
Gift4Giving Program
The Dante Moreira Gilbert Fund of Franklin Charitable Giving
Goddard School
Cecelia M. Goswitz Fund of the Saint Paul & Minnesota Foundation■
Granite Partners
Robert E. and Edith M. Grissinger Foundation
Harlem Children's Zone, Inc.
William E. Harrison Charitable Fund of Fidelity Charitable●
Heacox, Hartman, Koshmrl, Cosgriff, Johnson, Lane & Feenstra
The Sue and Brad Hewitt Fund of National Christian Foundation TC
Hirtle, Callaghan & Co. LLC●
Hiway Credit Union Foundation, Inc.
Holcomb Family Fund of the American Endowment Foundation●
House of Hope Presbyterian Church
Hubbard Broadcasting Foundation
The John and Ruth Huss Fund of the Saint Paul & Minnesota Foundation
IGRB Foundation●
Initiative Foundation●
Inside Edge Commercial Interior Services●
Invitation Homes
JNBA Financial Advisors
Art and Martha Kaemmer Fund of HRK Foundation■
KCB Corporation
William R. Kennedy Family Foundation
King Family Foundation
The Laurie Knocke Donor Advised Fund
Kottke Giving Fund
Kowalski's Markets
Kuhrmeyer Family Foundation of the Saint Paul & Minnesota Foundation●
League of Minnesota Cities■
Let's Talk Kids, LLC
Lockton Companies●
Lumabel Charitable Fund of Vanguard Charitable●
Mairs & Power●
Management HQ
Mardag Foundation■
Margaret A. Cargill Fund of the Minneapolis Foundation
The McKnight Foundation■
Medica HR
Medtronic Foundation■
John A. & Karen J. Meslow Charitable Fund of The Stablish Foundation
Metro Meals on Wheels■
Metropolitan Regional Arts Council
Michael V. and Ann C. Ciresi Foundation
Minneapolis Foundation
Minneapolis Institute of Arts
Minnesota Department of Human Services
Minnesota State Arts Board
Minnesota State Horticultural Society
Minnesota Wild
Missy Staples Thompson Fund●
Modern Heating and Air
Mortenson Family Foundation●
Nicholson Family Foundation
Richard and Nancy Nicholson Fund of the Nicholson Family Foundation
Todd and Martha Nicholson Fund of the Nicholson Family Foundation■
Nilan Johnson Lewis●
Mark and Jackie Nolan Family Fund of the Saint Paul & Minnesota Foundation■
Patrick and Colleen Bollom Family Fund of the Saint Paul & Minnesota Foundation
The Jay and Rose Phillips Family Foundation of Minnesota●
Proto Labs Foundation of the Minneapolis Foundation
Ramsey County
The RBC Foundation - USA
Regions Hospital Foundation
Rothchild Family Fund of the Saint Paul & Minnesota Foundation
Jim Rustad Charitable Fund of the Saint Paul & Minnesota Foundation
Ryan Companies
Saint Paul and Minnesota Foundation
Saint Paul Chamber Orchestra
Sando Foundation
Richard M. Schulze Family Foundation●
Securian Financial Foundation
The Sheltering Arms Foundation
Clifford C. & Virginia G. Sorensen Charitable Trust of the Saint Paul & Minnesota Foundation
Southwest Initiative Foundation
Speece Thorson Capital Group, Inc.●
Spire Federal Credit Union●
Raymond H. and Florence L. Sponberg Foundation
St. Paul Area Association of Realtors
St. Paul Midway Lions Club Foundation, Inc.■
Steve and Susie Fritze Family Fund of the Saint Paul & Minnesota Foundation
Streeper, LLC
Swanson Charity Fund of Fidelity Charitable●
Swenson Hill Giving
Target Foundation●
Thrivent Financial
Thrivent Foundation
Tom and Eve Fund
Robin J. Torgerson Charitable Fund at Schwab Charitable●
The Transition Network - MSP
Trillium Family Foundation●
U.S. Bancorp Foundation
U.S. Bank Foundation - Employee Matching Program
UKOGF Foundation
Greater Twin Cities United Way■
University of St. Thomas
The Valerie Johnson & Kristine Szczech Family Trust
Van Meter Fund of Greater Cedar Rapids Community Foundation
VIA Actuarial Solutions
Village Health
Wells Fargo Community Support Campaign
Wells Fargo Foundation Minnesota●
Westminster Presbyterian Church
Mark L. & Nancy C. Wilson Family Fund of the MN Community Foundation
Women's Foundation of Minnesota
Lillian Wright and C. Emil Berglund Foundation
Yang-Dirks Giving Fund
Zesbaugh Charitable Fund at Schwab Charitable●
Mark & Jodi Zesbaugh Independent Charitable Gift Fund
Gifts In Memory Of
Ruth J. Bogrand
David Abbott
Floyd and Sharon Anderson
Stephen and Carol Askew
Wendy Braun
Mavis Busch
Karen Carrier
David, Katie, Paige, Isaac Scharfbillig at Schwab Charitable
Diane Dowdle
Christina Esparza
Valerie Estabrook
Richard Fowler
Inta Gravitis
Norman and Sandra Hanson
Barbara and Lary Johnson
Dale and Vernita Kennen
Gail Kenney
Molly Larson
Hsin Huei Lin and Yuan Ming Tang
Judith Magnuson
Joseph and Brenda McGrath
Medica HR
Kristi Murtaugh
Geraldine Nelsen
Heather Nelsen
Howard Nelsen
Kathryn Nelsen
R Owen Nelsen
Daniel and Jacqueline Nerud
Dorothy B. Olson
Grant and Julie Olson
Gertrude Powers
Jaime Prickett
Eugene and Mary Purcell
Patricia Reimann
Alice Rossignol
Pam Solstad
Mary and John Strassburg
Richard and Carol Stucker
Jean Suchanek
Chuck and Edith Thomas
David and Colleen Youngquist
John Comford
Mary Comford
Kate Ehramjian
Alyce and Peter Ohser
Jennifer Proksch
Felicia S. Faust
Megan Habbe
Patricia A. Hink
Amy and John Hink
David B. Kachel
Jane and Richard Giovannetti
Kevin Kenney
Judy Kenney
John Kuderka
Jay and Melanie Kuderka
Patricia Kuderka
Pat Landy
Ruth Appleton
Jane S. Brodie and Michael Brodie
Patricia and James Hannasch
James and Lynne Hicks
Kimberly and Joseph Labuz
Janet Peterson
Nancy Price
Michelle Tauer
Kathleen Willette
Janet L. Wilson
Mikey Leifeld
Mary and Ben Manderfeld
Linda Markfort
Nancy Halfman
Jon Nicholson
Henry R. Bendixen
Murray K. Reed
Ted Bowman and Marge Grahn-Bowman
Noni and Malcolm Byrnes
Jonelle Carrera
Otter Dreaming
Phillip and Sandra Edwardson
Louise Eidsmoe
Beth E. Fondell
Sarah Hjelmberg
JNBA Financial Advisors
Beverly and Donald Liebenstein
Elizabeth Townsend
Susan and Steve Townsend
Laura M. Samuelson
Julie Atella
Chris Schmiesser
Amy and John Hink
Kathleen E. Wyatt
Carol Goldsmith
Nancy and Steve Goldsmith
Michael and Susan Portland
Dolores Zabolio
Paula Biever
Margaret Zellmer
Dale and Claudia Zellmer
Gifts in Honor Of
Emily Allen
Cindy Bourne
David Andrews
Marnie T. Andrews
Lindsay Bacher
Emily Seddon
Scott A. Brandmire
Abrasives of Saint Paul
Andy J. Brown
University of St. Thomas
Amelia Colwell
Mary Comford
Ralph and Mary Pat Davini
Anita Scott
Lequetta J. Diggs
Richard S. Kleber
Karen Erickson
Erin Glas
Robert E. Goff
Phyllis R. Goff
MayKao Hang's Leadership
Allina Health
Curtesha Jones
Management HQ
Sandy Kiernat
Rick and Val Moore
Judy Kishel
Don and Rosemary Gruber
Regions Hospital Foundation
Mai Nyua Lee
Emily Seddon
Mary Agnes Lenehan
Anne Gimpl
Anne Li
Westminster Presbyterian Church
Paul Mattessich
Ann Somers
Mississippi Creative Arts School
Concha Fernandez Del Ray
Steve None
H. R. Owen
Greg and Phyllis Owen
Jeff and Anne Rodenberg's 25th Anniversary
Karen and Gerald Lauer
Rudolph J. Rousseau
Jennie and John Hawkins
Barbara B. Roy
Michael H. Foote
Dorothy Skobba
Ellen Cleary
Miah Ulysse
Ellen Cleary
Jennifer Valorose
John and Ruth Scheef
Grants to Wilder
Allianz Life Insurance Company of North America
Allina Health
American Cancer Society
Andersen Corporate Foundation
Hugh J. Andersen Foundation
The Katherine B. Andersen Fund of the Saint Paul & Minnesota Foundation
Beim Foundation
Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Minnesota Foundation
Boston Scientific Corporation
Otto Bremer Trust
Bush Foundation
The Patrick and Aimee Butler Family Foundation
The Margaret A. Cargill Foundation Fund of the MN Community Foundation
Carlson Family Foundation
Center for Urban & Regional Affairs
Ciresi Walburn Foundation for Children
Ecolab Foundation
Mary and Louis Eisenmenger Memorial Fund
Family Housing Fund
First Children's Finance
Eugene U. and Mary F. Frey Family Fund of the Saint Paul & Minnesota Foundation
Frey Foundation
B. C. Gamble and P. W. Skogmo Fund of the Minneapolis Foundation
Granite Partners
Greater Minnesota Housing Fund
Robert E. and Edith M. Grissinger Foundation
Harlem Children's Zone, Inc.
Hiway Credit Union Foundation, Inc.
House of Hope Presbyterian Church
IGRB Foundation
Initiative Foundation
Integrated Care for High Risk Pregnancies Initiative
ISD 287 (Intermediate School District 287)
Mardag Foundation
The McKnight Foundation
Metropolitan Regional Arts Council
Minneapolis Foundation
Minnesota Board on Aging
Minnesota Department of Education
Minnesota Department of Health
Minnesota Department of Human Services
Minnesota Housing
Minnesota State Arts Board
Morgan Family Foundation
Mortenson Family Foundation
The Jay and Rose Phillips Family Foundation of Minnesota
Proto Labs Foundation of the Minneapolis Foundation
Ramsey County
Ramsey County Community Human Services
Saint Paul and Minnesota Foundation
Saint Paul Public Library
Saint Paul Public Schools
Richard M. Schulze Family Foundation
The Sheltering Arms Foundation
Southwest Initiative Foundation
Target Foundation
Terrance D. & Jacqueline J. Capistrant Parkinson's Foundation
TJ Maxx
The Toro Company
Trillium Family Foundation
U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
Greater Twin Cities United Way
Wells Fargo Foundation Minnesota
Women's Foundation of Minnesota
Lillian Wright and C. Emil Berglund Foundation
Thank You Heritage Partners
for your lasting support of Wilder!
Your gifts to Wilder’s endowment work to sustain our vision of ensuring families and communities thrive today and for generations to come. By making a gift through your wills, life income arrangements, beneficiary designations and other estate plans, you help us be here for good!
Anonymous (23)
John and Anne Bendt
William J. Benzick
Charles R. Betts*
Margaret M. Betts*
Craig and Kathleen Binger
Edgar* and Jean* Blanch
Elizabeth Bogared*
Tisha Bolger
Ronnie and Roger Brooks
Hildegarde H. Conkling*
Erin D. Coryell
Robert A. Crowe*
Ken and Abby Dawkins
Charlton H. Dietz
Dottie Dietz*
Elisabeth W. Doermann*
Drs. Phillip and Sandra Edwardson
Lorraine M. Ellingsen*
Arthur R. Emmerich*
Judith Gavin
Bob and Elaine Golberg
MayKao and Lao Lu Hang
John Hauschild*
Nancy Hauschild
Adrian and Nancy Hertog
Herman M. Hertog*
Katharina Hertog*
Catherine* and John* Hill
Martha E. Hoover*
Mary* and Irving Jerry
Bernice Jessen*
Rod and Lil Johnson
David B. Kachel*
Nancy L. Kachel
Janet Kelly*
Bruce Kiernat*
Sandy Kiernat
Tom and Mary Kingston
Laurence J. Kress*
Francis* and Verona* LaBelle
LeAnn G. LaCourse*
John* and Nancy Lambros*
Martha A. E. Larson*
Alice Leach*
Roger Lenzmeier*
George A. Mairs, III*
Dusty Mairs
L. Frank* and Irene* Maistrovich
Philip C. Manz
Paul and Tara Mattessich
Dorothy K. Merrill*
David* and *Mary Jo Monson
Michelle M. Morehouse
Roberta A. Mundschenk*
John and Renee Nagel
Nancy and Thomas Nelson
Eric Nicholson and Anna Waters
Walter* and Eleanor* Nyberg
Greg and Phyllis Owen
George and Diane Power
George C. Power, Jr.*
Norman M. Rose*
Ken and Nina* Rothchild
Barbara Roy
Philemon C. Roy*
Kathryn L. Schleich
David and Cecilia Simpson
Leonard H. Tesmer*
Robert H. Tucker*
Paul* and Carolyn Verret
Lucille O. Werner*
Paul* and Lucille* Werner
Richard* and Florence* Wickworth
Winnie V. Wickworth*
Leni and George Wilcox
Becky and Gerald Woelfel
Ann L. Wynia
Mai Kou Xiong*
Robert and Katherine Yaeger
Reta G. Youngman*
Dick and Janine Zehring
Ordinary Magic Sponsors
Wilder thanks the following generous sponsors for their support of Ordinary Magic, our annual fundraising event in support of Wilder, held in May 2023.
The Katherine B. Anderson Fund of The Saint Paul Foundation
Ciresi Conlin LLP
Andersen Windows & Doors
Mairs & Power
Hirtle Callaghan & Co.
Inside Edge Commercial Interior Services
Spire Credit Union
US Bank
Bell Bank
Brown & Brown Insurance
Capital Maintenance
Delta Dental
Gardner Builders
Heacox Hartman
Nilan Johnson Lewis
ST Capital
Modern Heating & Air
Thank You volunteers and interns for making an impact in our community and at Wilder!
Individual Interns & Volunteers
A.L. B.
Adam K.
Adam T.
Aimee F.
Alex C.
Alex S.
Alexandra J.
Alisha C.
Alissa J.♦
Allison S.
Amanda E.♦
Amanda W.
Amanda Y.
Amelia C.
Amenti T.
Amy B.
Andrea D.♦
Andrew M.♦
Andrew T.
Andy B.♦
Andy F.
Angela H.
Angie H.
Ann H.
Ann S.
Anna D.
Anne L.♦
Anne M.
Anne R.
Anne S.
Annika T.
Arman H.
Arpum M.
Asha B.
Ashley W.
Audrey M.♦
Audrey P.♦
Author Anthony W.
Author Thuba N.
Ava C.
Avé W.
Avo M.♦
Bailey H.
Be V.
Becca C.
Ben P.
Ben W.
Benjamin J.♦
Beryl N.
Beth J.
Bill G.
Boje S.
Brian H.
Brian K.
Bryan R.
Cailyn C.
Caitlin R.
Candi P.
Carla S.
Carla S.♦
Carol O.
Caroline M.
Casey S.
CeCe M.
Charles M.
Chelsea K.
Chelsey S.
Chioma I.
Chris B.
Christa S.♦
Christine M.♦
Christine V.
Chuck P.
Cindy L.
Claire J.
Cole V.
Courtney H.
Curtesha J.
Dan S.
Dana B.
Dare A.
David H.
David S.
Dawn M.♦
Debbie R.
Debra B.
Deja B.♦
Deja B.
Diane O.
Diane T.
Dolores J.
Douachi Y.
Doug O.
Dr. Artika T.
Dr. Ritu S.
Eliana S.
Elizabeth G.
Ella J.
Ellen B.♦
Ellen C.♦
Ellie B.
Elliott W.
Emersyn G.
Emily K.
Emily R.
Erich B.
Freddie P.
Gage R.
Gao M.
Gaozong Y.
Gayle B.
George H.
Gerald S.
Gerry F.
Gina F.
Glen S.
Grace B.
Grace R.
Greta D.
Haan V.
Harmony V.
Heather L.
Helen Mary H.
Henry L.
Henry N.
Hiroo M.
Hlee L.
Holly F.♦
Ian S.
Isabella B.
Jack S.
Jackie T.
Jacqueline S.
Jade L.
James B.
Jan S.
Jane A.
Janine P.
Jay R.
Jeff C.
Jeff K.
Jennifer K.♦
Jenny G.♦
Jessica W.
Jill S.
Joe L.
Joe T.
John G.
John M.
John S.
Jon F.
Jon R.
Jon W.
Josh Z.
Judy K.
Judy P.
Julia D.
Julie B.
Julie L.
Kandeija B.
Karen A.
Karen M.
Karyn T.
Kate R.
Katherine J.
Kathleen L.
Kathleen M.
Kathryn M.♦
Kathryn S.
Katie K.
Katie S.
Katie W.
Kayla N.
Kayli B.
Kelly L.
Kelsey M.
Keng Y.
Kerianne S.
Kerry J.
Keshawn W.
Kevin E.
Kim B.
Kong H.
Kris K.
Kristine S.
Lakeisha L.
LaRohnda L.
Latreaha J.
Leah B.
Lily C.
Lindsay M.
Lisa B.
Lisa J.
Liz E.
Lizz J.
Lizzy N.
Louise B.
Lucie M.
Lydia H.
Maggie O.
Mai C.
Mai Nyua L.
Maisee X.
Malinda S.
Margi H.
Margie P.♦
Margo L.
Maria U.
Mariana Q.
Mark B.
Mark L.
Mark S.
Mark Z.
Mary C.
Mary Ella P.
Mary Jo L.
Mary L.
Mary O.
Matt R.
Matthew B.
Maureen A.
May E.
May Y.
Meaghan M.
Meg F.
Megan H.
Megan R.
Meghan D.
Melissa A.♦
Melissa H.
Michael H.
Mike A.
Mike D.
Mike S.
Mimi M.
Mitch O.
Mu S.
Nathan V.
Nick E.
Nick M.
Nick V.
Nicole C.
Noor S.
Oliver E.
Olivia V.
Ophelia M.
Pam W.♦
Pan M.
Pang X.
Pat D.
Pat D.
Pat G.
Patrice K.
Patti M.
Paul S.
Paul W.
Paula S.
Peggy R.
Peter C.
Petra O.
Phil S.
Piper H.
Rachael F.
Rachel F.♦
Raphael P.
Rashida M.
Rich W.
Rick G.♦
Robyn H.
Rochelle J.
Ron D.
Rory S.
Ross T.
Ruth M.
Sarah H.
Serena O.
Shane Z.
Shari S.♦
Sheila S.
Shevie B.
Sonya C.♦
Sophia C.
Sophia M.
Stephanie E.
Stephanie J.
Stephanie W.
Sue P.
Sukanya S.
Susie O.
Sylvia S.
Teja D.
Tetra C.
Tracey C.
Tracy S.
Trista S.
Tyshanna V.
Udi C.
Ulric C.
Vanessa N.♦
Vicki S.
Vickie L.
Wendy C.
Xia X.♦
Volunteer Teams
Allina Health
Barrel Theory Beer Company
City and County Credit Union
Cretin-Derham Hall High School
Cummins Power Generation
East Metro Community Resources (EMCR)
Falcon Heights Elementary School
Kaposia, Inc.
Maternity of Mary - St. Andrew Catholic School 5th Graders
Minnesota Court of Appeals
Southern Glazer's Wine & Spirits
Synod Of The Heartland - Power Connection
University of St. Thomas Literature Club
University of St. Thomas Strategic Communications Course
Van Meter, Inc.
Xcel Energy