
Detailed Data

Data tables available by region and topic


The Minnesota Homeless Study includes two types of data: counts of the number of people experiencing homelessness and face-to-face interviews with people who are experiencing homelessness.


Dig deeper into the data

Two types of detailed data tables are available for download.

Detailed data tables are in PDF format.


Statewide and regional counts of the number of people experiencing homelessness include people staying in emergency and domestic violence shelters, and transitional housing sites on one day in October. These counts were reported by the housing providers.

Counts also include people experiencing homelessness found through outreach in non-shelter locations such as encampments, hot meal programs, and other drop-in service locations.

Find the data you need

Under the appropriate year, choose a geographic region. Within each region, find numbers of people experiencing homelessness by shelter type, age categories, gender, and family/single status. Tables are in PDF format.


2023 data tables

2018 data tables

2015 data tables

2012 data tables

Face-to-face interviews

Data tables providing detailed survey results for each question asked in face-to-face interviews with people experiencing homelessness who participated in the triennial Minnesota Homeless Study survey.

The data are provided to help planners and service providers develop summary information about the characteristics of people experiencing homelessness, their experiences and needs, and the barriers that prevent them from obtaining housing.

Find the data you need

Under the appropriate year, choose a geography or specific population from the list, then choose a category of questions. Tables are in PDF format.

2023 interview data tables coming soon!

2018 data tables

2015 data tables

2012 data tables

Interactive data search

The interactive tool below allows you to quickly find data points for every survey question. 

Results are limited to statewide data from the 2018 Minnesota Homeless Study survey.

Can't find what you're looking for?

Contact Wilder Research for assistance.

Tips for using Minnesota Homeless Study data

Watch and learn:

  • The types of data that are available from the Minnesota Homeless Study
  • How to use the data in collaboration with other housing and homelessness data sources
  • Ways to use the data for your own programming, advocacy, strategic planning, and more