A woman is seated at a table with stacks of survey booklets in front of her. She holds a pencil as she flips through a survey.

About the Study

How this point-in-time study is conducted and why it matters


The Minnesota Homeless Study is a triennial study aimed at better understanding the prevalence of homelessness in Minnesota and the circumstances of those experiencing homelessness statewide.


The most recent Minnesota Homeless Study took place on October 26, 2023

Wilder Research, with the support of public and private funders, housing service providers, and volunteer interviewers, has conducted the study since 1991. Since 2006, we've partnered with six Minnesota tribal nations to conduct the Reservation Homeless Study, which looks specifically at homelessness on American Indian reservations.

Why is this study important? 

The Minnesota Homeless Study is the most comprehensive source of descriptive information about the state's adults, youth, and children experiencing homelessness. Many organizations and government agencies rely on the study to: identify and address systemic issues; guide services, programs, and policies to support people experiencing homelessness; and track progress in efforts to reduce and ultimately eliminate homelessness in Minnesota.

Many years of data allow us to look at trends over time, and the breadth and depth of the study allow us to look more closely at the experiences of specific populations to pinpoint barriers to obtaining safe and stable housing.

Adults and youth who have no permanent place to live are key partners in the Minnesota Homeless Study. Their participation gives voice and substance to the reality of homelessness in our state and helps planners, funders, and advocates in their efforts to find solutions.

How we conduct the study

The study includes people who meet a federal definition of homelessness. For the Reservation Homeless Study, the study population is expanded to include those who are near homeless.

The study includes two primary methods of data collection:

  • Face-to-face interviews with people experiencing homelessness (statewide and reservation studies)
  • A count of people experiencing homelessness (statewide study only)

Wilder Research works closely with homeless service providers to get counts of all people staying in shelter settings on the night of the study, and to help coordinate face-to-face interviews with those staying at these shelters. Wilder also partners with service providers and homeless outreach workers to conduct interviews at drop-in service locations and to conduct street outreach.

Trained volunteers conduct interviews.

More than 1,000 volunteer interviewers conduct interviews in 400 locations across Minnesota. Wilder Research staff provide training to interviewers in preparation for the study. More than 4,000 interviews are done with people experiencing homelessness; respondents who complete an interview are given $10 cash as a thank you for participating.

About the Survey Instrument

An extensive instrument is used to conduct interviews.

As part of the study, thousands of interviews are conducted using a paper survey.
Thousands of 2023 Minnesota Homeless Study interviews were conducted using a paper survey.

Questions have been identified by housing advocates, policymakers and state planners, funders, and researchers who develop the study.

Where possible, standard questions are used that have been tested elsewhere.

Permission to download and copy this instrument is granted only for private, non-commercial and educational purposes. All reproductions of the instrument or its individual questions require an acknowledgement of the source and author of the work. No resale use may be made of any report without written permission.

Suggested Citation

Wilder Research. (2023). Minnesota Homeless Study interview questions.

How the study is funded

The Minnesota Homeless Study is supported through a combination of grants, contracts, and individual contributions. Partnerships like these make the study the valuable resource it is.

Thank you to these institutions and individuals that have contributed to the success of the 2023 study.

If you are interested in contributing to the study, contact Michelle Decker Gerrard at or donate now.

Richard and Paula Almer
Andersen Corporate Foundation
Julie Atella
David and Caroline Beal
F. R. Bigelow Foundation
Ron Bongard
Heather R. Britt
Julie Bunde
Bush Foundation Board of Directors Fund
Laura Dahl
Dakota County
Kristin Dillon
Loralee and Gene DiLorenzo
Marybeth Dorn
Dorothy Eide
Frey Foundation
Michelle Gerrard
Dean and Barb Goldberg
Isabel Gomez
Greater Minnesota Housing Fund
Greater Twin Cities United Way
Hardenbergh Foundation
Jennie and John Hawkins
Health Partners
Hennepin County Office to End Homelessness
Jennifer G. Hines, M.D.
Lynne Kirby and Neil Sieling
Gary and Karen Kirt
Colman Lydon
M Health Fairview
Rosemary and Natel Maher
Mardag Foundation
The McKnight Foundation
Minneapolis Foundation
Minnesota Department of Corrections
Minnesota Department of Education
Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development
Minnesota Department of Health
Minnesota Department of Human Services
Minnesota Department of Public Safety
Minnesota Department of Transportation
Minnesota Department of Veterans Affairs
Minnesota Housing Finance Agency
Nicholson Family Foundation, Chad and Laura Nicholson
Nicholson Family Foundation, Richard and Nancy Nicholson
Nicholson Family Foundation, Pondie and Mark Taylor
Sue and Tom O'Malley
Greg and Phyllis Owen
Judy Parr
Margaret and David Peterson
Pohlad Family Foundation
Joanie Putz
Quammen Fazio Family Fund of National Philanthropic Trust
Ramsey County
Anne and Jeff Rodenberg
Jim Rustad Charitable Fund of The Saint Paul Foundation
Saint Paul and Minnesota Foundation
Richard M. Schulze Family Foundation
Ward and Cynthia Schwie
Ann Somers
Barbara L. Swanson
Barbara Tigan
Karen M. Ulstad
Deanna Wiener
David and Janet Zens

Additional data sources

Other sources of information that complement our understanding of homelessness

An annual point in time (PIT) count of “sheltered and unsheltered homeless persons on a single night during the last ten days in January,” required by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)

The Homeless Management Information System (HMIS), which includes client information compiled by all providers of federal- and state-funded supportive housing and emergency shelter