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Adult Mental Health & Recovery

Appointments available in-person or via telehealth to support your mental wellness

Adults from all walks of life can heal and grow with mental health and recovery services, supports and resources at Wilder. You have access to our diverse team who speak English, Spanish, Hmong, Vietnamese, Oromo, Somali, Karen, and Khmer. We can also arrange skilled interpreters for other languages for you. 

Request Info About Adult Mental Health or Recovery Services

Contact Holder


Phone: 651-280-2310
  • Monday: 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
  • Tuesday & Wednesday: 8:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.
  • Thursday 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
  • Friday: 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.

451 Lexington Parkway North
2nd Floor
Saint Paul, MN 55104


Anyone can ask us for help with mental health or addiction concerns. We're here to offer you and your family hope and healing. 

Adult Mental Health Services

We provide a range of services in home and community settings. This is more than a matter of convenience: we support individuals and families wherever and however we can to encourage healing and wellness.

Outpatient Therapy

Our therapists will help you find the service that’s right for you. We know that mental health can be complex, so we connect you with resources that can help. We provide diagnostic assessments, individual and family therapy, treatment planning and referrals for other services that might be helpful. 

We have team members who speak fluent Hmong, Vietnamese and Khmer and who understand these cultures. With their expertise, we can blend cultural healing practices with Western services to better help people in these communities. 

Call 651-280-2310 for more information about outpatient therapy or request information online.

Assertive Community Treatment

Assertive Community Treatment at Wilder helps adults experiencing severe and persistent mental illness stabilize, recover and stay in community. We are one of the only programs in the nation that provides multilingual and multicultural services to members of Southeast Asian communities:

  • Community-based psychiatric care
  • A multidisciplinary team including psychiatrists, mental health therapists, nurses, case managers, chemical dependency specialists, vocational specialists and certified peer support staff.
  • Multilingual, multicultural staff representative of the Southeast Asian communities we serve: Hmong, Karen, Vietnamese and Cambodian.
  • Help with navigating healthcare systems, psychiatric care/medication management, mental health rehabilitation services, accessing housing, employment, transportation services, and family support.
  • Services are provided in office, home or community settings to ensure each person we serve is comfortable and able to access the support they need.

We serve Southeast Asian adults 18 years and older who have a severe and persistent mental illness (SPMI) diagnosis and are qualified for Medical Assistance.

Assertive Community Treatment is most beneficial for adults who have repeated hospital admissions, chronic episodes of homelessness, or who have been unsuccessfully served by traditional mental and chemical health care options.

Call 651-280-2315 for more information about Assertive Community Treatment or request information online.

Peer Services

In difficult times, it helps to talk to someone who has been through something similar. Wilder employs certified peer specialists who have experienced their own mental health and addiction issues. These trained specialists work alongside professional staff to provide additional encouragement and personal support. Peer specialists help people build coping skills and access local resources to improve their health.

Call 651-280-2310 for more information about Peer Services or request information online.

Targeted Mental Health Case Management

At Wilder, we treat the whole person. Individuals 18 years and older who have a severe and persistent mental illness diagnosis can qualify for targeted mental health case management services. We assign each individual one case manager who understands their challenges and needs. As a result, case managers can coordinate mental health, physical health, and other resources to provide ongoing support so that each individual can increase their overall well-being.

Call 651-280-2310 for more information about targeted mental health case management or request information online.

Adult Rehabilitative Mental Health Services

Our Adult Rehabilitative Mental Health Services help people manage their mental health symptoms and achieve their life goals. These services are provided in one’s home or community, and help address any of the ways we strive to function in our day-to-day lives: achieving physical and emotional health, reaching education or employment goals, improving social and family relationships, using community resources, being active in our communities and living independently.

Call 651-280-2310 for more information about Adult Rehabilitative Mental Health Services or request information online.

Adult Recovery Services

Addiction is a complex issue that requires a range of services and support including assessments, treatment and counseling. Wilder's Recovery Services help individuals and families experiencing mental health and substance use issues by building on each person’s strength and resilience. 


Our focus is to promote a sense of well-being in all areas of life and provide a variety of services that are adaptive to the unique needs of each individual and their loved ones. 

  • Experienced in co-occurring mental health and substance use concerns ranging from low to high intensity
  • Specialized in assessing, counseling and treating adults 18+ and their families with group treatment available in English, Hmong and Karen languages
  • Integrated care team of therapists, nurses, alcohol and drug counselors, psychologists, psychiatrists, nurse practitioners, care coordinators, peer specialists and case managers work together using a holistic, trauma informed and whole family approach

Call 651-280-2310 for more information about recovery services for adults or request information online.

Know your rights, your responsibilities and what you can expect from Wilder Recovery Services

Watch the video below to understand who can assist with mental health and addiction issues, the roles of several mental health and addiction professionals and how they help people heal and recover. Videos are available in English, Hmong and Karen languages.

Who Can Help with Mental Health and Addiction Treatment (English)

Who Can Help with Mental Health and Addiction Treatment (Hmong)

Who Can Help with Mental Health and Addiction Treatment (Karen)

Wilder Center for Social Healing: A welcoming, therapeutic place in Saint Paul for Southeast Asian communities.

Courageous Stories & Insights

Wilder Community Mental Health and Wellness uses a new model that offers comprehensive integrated services.

A Plan for Recovery: Wilder Promotes Healing with Comprehensive Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services

Ethan’s priorities are spelled out in neat script in a paper planner. As a first-year college student, he makes time each week to balance his classes and other activities and interests. His to-do list includes pursuing work-study jobs.More about this story »

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