
Courageous Stories

Highlighting community stories of courage, strength and resiliency


Wilder Social Worker Serves Patrons in Saint Paul Libraries

“I’m Helping People Where They Are" A Saint Paul Public Library branch proved the perfect spot for a teen who was experiencing homelessness and had left school. He found a safe place and the support he needed—Wilder social worker Ruby Rivera, who was onsite and ready to help pursue his goal of returning to school. Read this story »

Wilder Donor and Volunteer at Adult Day Health Says "I Believe in this Place"

It can be challenging for Wilder donor and volunteer Nancy Heck to describe what she likes about the Adult Day Health Program. The problem is where to start. Read this story »

Hmong Leaders Inspired to Give

ThaoMee Xiong’s venture into fundraising began with a talk by Wilder President and CEO MayKao Y. Hang. ThaoMee had invited MayKao, the first Hmong-American president at Wilder, to serve as keynote speaker for a graduation event of the Vue Family of Minnesota, which works to strengthen families through cultural, social and educational… Read this story »

Supporting School Success:  The Achievement of a Lifetime

Finding the right volunteer opportunity is like finding the right job, says Kathryn Schleich, a volunteer and donor who supports school success efforts at Wilder. It can take a while to find a good fit, but the results are worthwhile. Read this story »

It's My Home: Youth Make Opportunities to Thrive at Prior Crossing

Michaela Jones will never forget the first time she unlocked the door to her studio apartment at Prior Crossing. At age 21, she was rebuilding her life after experiencing homelessness. She was so excited that she asked a staff member at the apartment building to record the occasion on her phone. Read this story »

Preparing for an Aging Minnesota with Volunteers and Community Engaged Learners

An estimated 10,000 Baby Boomers turn 65 every day. This major demographic shift will create new challenges for older adults who want to maintain independence, for caregivers who need formal and informal support, and for employers facing potential workforce shortages. Bailey Ortiz will be prepared. Read this story »

Nurturing Kindergarten Readiness With Social-Emotional Development

Shortly before Alanna Clomon’s daughter began kindergarten, the Lauderdale mother received a tangible reminder of her 5-year-old daughter’s progress at Wilder’s Child Development Center. Read this story »

Rethinking Recovery: Personal Mental Health Experience Provides Hope to Others

Finding the right kind of help for a serious mental illness can be daunting. Often, a person may need to work with several providers to find appropriate care. Case managers, psychologists, psychiatrists and other professionals may all be involved, along with separate treatment for chemical health, if needed. Read this story »