

Trends, insights and thought leadership on community matters by Wilder staff, volunteers, supporters and partners


Key Takeaways from the Culturally Responsive Evaluation and Assessment Conference

Three Wilder Research staff share their takeaways on intersectionality and culturally responsive evaluation after a national conference.

Health Equity Now: Public Health Takeaways

Three Research staff share their takeaways on recent research, emerging trends, and measuring impact after attending the American Public Health Association conference.

Using a Framework for Community-Engaged Research

In this post, Melanie Ferris describes how using a framework can help your organization be intentional and transparent in how you work with community.

What Can We Do Together That We Can’t Do Alone?

The diversity of our communities and our organizations means that almost any time we come together, we do so across difference. That's where this research and practice-based collaboration resource… Read more »

Talking Terms: When Community Engagement and Research Intersect

Researcher Amanda Hane explores how developing a clear understanding of these terms can help your organization be more intentional about why and how you engage communities.

How Rochester Public Library Made Our Logic Model Work for Us

In a guest post, Rochester Public Library Director Audrey Betcher shares how their logic model helped them tell their story.

Arts Evaluation: How Theater Mu Measures its Impact

by Ryan Ander-Evans
Artists and arts organizations are being asked to “show the impact” of their art more and more often. Find out how one theater addressed that challenge by working with Wilder Research.

Amid Opioid Epidemic, Many Minnesota Women Face Other Addictions

by Jackie Aman
A 5-year study of women served by 12 recovery programs shows that some women across the state face addictions to other drugs at much higher rates.