

Trends, insights and thought leadership on community matters by Wilder staff, volunteers, supporters and partners


Arts Evaluation: How Theater Mu Measures its Impact

by Ryan Ander-Evans
Artists and arts organizations are being asked to “show the impact” of their art more and more often. Find out how one theater addressed that challenge by working with Wilder Research.

2018 Legislative Session Recap

In even years the Minnesota Legislature is under no constitutional obligation to convene, but they typically meet to pass a bill to finance capital infrastructure, policy items, and perhaps a small… Read more »

Welcome to Minnesota's Newest Mental Health First Aid Instructors

by Thomas Nguyen
Thousands of Minnesotans are faced with mental health concerns for the first time each year – personally, professionally, or both. Many feel ill-equipped to respond and don’t know where to turn for… Read more »

Amid Opioid Epidemic, Many Minnesota Women Face Other Addictions

by Jackie Aman
A 5-year study of women served by 12 recovery programs shows that some women across the state face addictions to other drugs at much higher rates.

Understanding Sex Trafficking and What Minnesota is Doing to Address It

by Julie Atella
A recent Wilder Research report confirms that commercial sexual exploitation is much more widespread in Minnesota than most of us think.

Little Things Matter at Day Treatment

by Heather McMoore
For a long time, sometimes for many years, parents of children in the Wilder Day Treatment program have faced the dilemma of whether to answer the phone when the school, child care or a service… Read more »

Expertise on Caregiving is Incomplete without the Perspective of Caregivers

by Maureen Kenney
On a cold, icy evening in St. Paul, a crowd of Minnesotans gathered to talk about family caregiving, specifically the “caregiving sandwich” which translates to those caring for aging parents and… Read more »

The Family Feels the Impact of Addiction, Too

by Nway Linn
​Have you heard the saying that addiction is a “family disease”? Some may think that means addiction is genetic, something that runs in the family and is only passed along from generation to… Read more »